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(More customer reviews)There are 6 parts to this statue i will go over each.
The packaging. Typical GG box that has a scene from ESB with some background of the piece. Huge styrofoam pieces that hold everthing in place, all the parts are in bags. Included is the authenticity card with number of piece. Mine is 930/1650 so not a huge run at all.
The base. numbered thick and heavy. Very solid and detailed. Numbered on the bottom and has a white floor that looks like a hallway floor that the figures stand on.
Stormtroopers. highly detailed and almost identical exept for their left arms, one hold the blaster the other's hand is almost at his side. Their helmets, armor and blasters are dead on. Very cool looking!
Han Solo in carbonite. Very well detailed and hollow. The carbonite chamber has detail and color all around it with one side having some nice delicate handles, a nice touch. Han is captured in all his frozen pain glory.
Boba Fett, By far the crowining piece of the set. Has a metal peg sticking out of his left hip that supports Han to give that "floating effect". Cannot say how much detail they put into him. Superb attention to every little thing. His shoulder has the strands of Wookie braids made from real rope/strings. Chestplate and helmet show in great detail all the little markings and battle wear. The pants and belt have great looking pouches and show every little crease or fold as well as instruments tucked into pockets. His rocket jet backpack, blaster, hip hand gun and wrist armament are captured in great precision.He would be a cool statue on his own.
What sucks about this statue? Nothing is perfect! First thing I have a problem with it is that the pieces dont fit as flush to the floor as you like. The pegs on the stormtroopers need some coaxing to get in and when seen at eye level you can see parts of the pegs between their feet and the floor.
The absolute worst thing is that the square ped in Boba's hip is just a little off level, so that when you put Han and Fett together the carbonite tilts forward enough to be noticeable. I must fix this somehow and make it level to the floor. If I don't, it will not look right.
These are minor things (somewhat) that probably depend on each individual piece. I will end up fixing my statue and making it perfect so besides these two fitment issues it is a great piece and I highly recomend it! Get it!
The absolute worst thing about my statue is th
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Star Wars: Boba Fett with Han in Carbonite StatueA Gentle Giant Release. The Bounty Hunter has his quarry - Han Solo has been frozen in Carbonite. Boba Fett is flanked by two accompanying Stormtroopers as he leads the way. Each figure stands approximately 7" tall and is keyed into a themed display base measuring 11" in diameter. Frozen in suspended animation, Han Solo appears to levitate above the base. Cast in polystone, this limited edition collectible comes with a matching, hand-numbered Certificate of Authenticity.

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