Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)I had this fig about three weeks to evaluate.
First, let's get die cast contents out of way. That's the first thing look for on my expensive "die cast /gohkin" figures.
Good amount of die cast. The entire chest, lower legs , hip joints and possibly ankle joints are die cast.
The fig has even more articulation then comparable Soul of Chogokin GX-45 Shin Mazinger figure.
It also has nice clicky indented (racheted) joints on elbows and knees. All joints feels great, not too tight not too loose.
It holds poses very well and it's very stable doing it.
There are ton of cool looking accessories.
The paint app is almost flawless.
The fig is made of high quality ABS plastic and die cast.
The packaging is Styro free.
The paint app on its mouth guard paint could have been better.
I know people mention about it's small head, but for me, it's the size of hands...The hands are big! Too BIG!!!! Way WAY out of proportion, even for a super robot like Great M.
Come on Bandai~ Feet should always be die cast.
Some parts on this fig is very very sharp.
The effect parts are made of PVC aka vinyl.
At $50 it's only $10 to $20 cheaper then comparable(non combining, non transforming SoCs) Soul of Chogokin figure.
Due to its size, I initially had bit of buyer's remorse when I first opened it.
However, the more I played with it, the more it grew on me.
Although This is a collectable fig, it is very durable and more playable figure then SoCs.
So far, it gets most play time out of all 30 or so high end die cast robots in my collection.
Even with few cons which I'm really being picky, a "Great" purchase! Please buy. Then why only three stars you might ask...Please read my update.BTW, what's with Revoltech knock? Well, if you bought couple of these you'd know how the joints get loose due to Hard ABS joints contact with soft PVC parts rub. A HUGE engineering flaw!! As much as I LOVE their sculpts (THE best in the industry, IMHO), after couple of poses the Revoltechs don't hold their "default" pose.. at all. That's fatal flaw for me. Compare to $20 to $40 a pop for all plastic ( mainly made of poisonous PVC)Revoltechs, $40 to $60 Super Robot Chogokin is F A R better purchase.
Revoltech's on 108th figure as of 6/20/2011....Come on Bandai get on the ball!!! I want more villain robots!!
Please? :-(UPDATE 7/12/2011
Today I had Lead Analysis person over to check interior and exterior of my mid 50's home.
Just for laugh, along with my stainless steel chopsticks I bought here, I had "Great" lead tested by this California certified analysis using Niton XLP reader reading both "L" and "K" reading.
Also, along with Great, I had four other die cast figs were tested. The reading came out to .24mg/cm2 on Great's die cast lower leg....Also Aoshima Anime Expo exclusive Black Getter failed miserably reading at .4 and other three read impressive zero (Bandai's 70's GX Gaiking, Aoshima Training Getter 1 and Yamato's Giant Robo were negative). What does it all mean?
Apparently, "Greats' reading of .24 is between the "OSHA Exposure concern during contruction activities at .1" and .7 "the dangerouse level of lead for children under the age of 7 in Los Angeles County." I'm not laughing anymore...Don't let your little one handle this fig. Even with the hidden lead factor, I still gave favorable three stars for it's excellent positives and the fact this is a collectable toy, not a eating utensil nor a plumbing fixture.
I lowered two star rating to reflect Bandai's failure to better monitor its factories.
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Super Robot Chogokin Great Mazinger diecast model
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